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Granisle-backroad Mar 31 photos, Bulkley-Nechako Airshed


Tops and logs that have been piled to burn. There is no excuse for creating so much slash in the first place (typical clearcutting wastage), and if so, there should be a wood chipper on site either for chip re-distribution across the cutblock or use a source material (as originally stated by the BC Gov’t and the wood pellet industry) for wood pellets (which would burn more efficiently than open slash pile burning…. while recognizing that whole logs should not be used as wood pellet source material in the first place).

We continue to breathe polluted air since there is no surcharge or tax on slash piles designated for open burning – a NDP election promise at the time they took control of the provincial government; this promise has not seen light of day despite efforts by the Bulkley Valley Clean Air Now Group. Instead, the government decided to renege on its election promise, use millions of dollars of public funds through the Forest Enhancement Society along with the grade 4 credit system (see Ben Parfitt video: to subsidize the wood pellet industry.
Shame on the provincial government, shame on the wood pellet industry. This is not regional or community development, but continued exploitation of our remaining primary forests that further contributes to the demise of the forest industry. As demonstrated in the past, “If one cannot demonstrate to do it right, then one will not be permitted to do it at all.” …. Gwaii Hannas, Stein, Clayoquot, Seven Sisters, Upper Kispiox, Tongass, etc., for examples.
Len Vanderstar, R.P.F. Ret., R.P.Bio



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