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Negative Changes to the Open Burning Smo...

1,256 ViewsThe BC Government is planning to make some very negative changes to the Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation. Please feel free to send you opinion to: (they need to know how people feel). Dear Mr. Kellerhaus, Further to Jay Gilden’s e-mail below, I also wish to thank you for the webinar last week. Although the webinar was informative, I see no meaningful...

Public Letter Regarding Proposed Changes...

1,284 ViewsDear Mr. Kellerhaus: My name is Jay Gilden and I am from Smithers. Yesterday, I attended the webinar that your office held about the proposed changes to the OBSCR rules. I am part of a group here called Clean Air Now. As the Town of Smithers and others here have expressed to your office on a number of occasions, area residents are concerned about the apparent weakening of...