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CAN Reading List on Burning Wood and Carbon Emissions


Hello, everyone.

Here I attach (at the bottom of this post) a revised version of my CAN Reading List on Burning Wood and Carbon Emissions. It now includes a paragraph on what I take to be an extremely important research document on biochar. I strongly urge anyone interested in the possibility of biochar being used as a means of eliminating smoke in our region to read this paper. I include my new paragraph in the text of this email message, immediately below, and the paragraph includes the hyperlink for the paper. – Ray

A first-rate synopsis on the potential role of biochar production in addressing carbon emissions by utilizing forestry and other organic waste in British Columbia, co-authored by a former colleague of mine at the University of Northern British Columbia, is Geoff de Ruiter, Steve Helle, and Michael Rutherford, Industrial and Market Development of Biochar in British Columbia, 2014, published by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions and available over the Web at

Industrial and Market Development of Biochar in British Columbia

This document covers just about every heading in the present reading list, including how carbon offsets relate to biochar, it makes recommendations in line with the tendencies of my annotations, and it is highly favourable to the idea of using biochar for dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions and forestry smoke in British Columbia.

Ray Chipeniuk

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